Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day!

Labor Day!
Well all my family woke up and we did canning tomatoes and it was a blast! Hee Hee! But it was long but we got like 69 jars of tomtoes! But then the best part we went to my room and we cleaned it all Emily's stuff in my closet. We put her stuff in boxes and everything it was great. We moved on my stuff and I have so much. My dad keeps on telling me I can skip and play tag in my room. But it is so clean now and I can not stand it dirting I put my clothes away I make my bed. It is amazing! But that ws my labor day and then school come and I love school it is awesome! So ya that is all! I love you all!


Unknown said...

I bet it is exciting to have your own room!!!

Julia said...

Hey Syd, let pay hide-and-seek in your room after school today! Love you! ;-) It really looks great!

Emily said...

I'm sorry I was holding back the clean freak inside of you :D I'm so exctied to play tag and skip in your room when I come see you guys for conference. It will be so fun. Jumping on your bed and everything. :)