Friday, January 23, 2009

My Violence Essay and How I am!

Hey sorry for not writing for along long time! I have been in school alot well very day and having fun with being the President of the Beehives. We are all so CUTE!!
We I am in a advanced LA class so we had to write a paper about violence and I want to share it with you! (actually my mom wants me to because you know how mom's are "it is so good "she says) So I hope you like it! -

A Choice to Stand

“When liberty comes with her hands dabbled in blood,
it is hard to shake hands with her.” ~Oscar Wilde

I hear all the stories about violence, hurt, sorrow, crying, and pain. I feel so sad for the person who has to deal with that. I am a person that hears violence. I am the person watching when it is far away.
I think everyone in this whole world have felt, seen violence. I know for sure I have seen violence the most by looking at the pain in someone’s face, eyes, and tears. That violence hurts the most. I am sure that everyone has seen someone getting teased or made fun of. I know I have seen that. I wish I could take the hits, tears, bruises, scars away. Every day you hear someone got hurt, someone got beat up. When you think about violence the thoughts that come to mind are not happy, glad, awesome, amazing, love. No that is not what you think. You think sorrow, sad, bruises, sore, apart, mean, hate. Youth violence can be hearing, seeing, feeling all around you. It can come from anywhere. The saddest thing is some scars never heal. They are not on the outside but on the inside is where it hurts the most.
I always remember looking at pictures of people smiling and having a great time. Then you look at the same person after violence and they don’t look the same at all. They don’t act the same. The one thing I always hear from parents is don’t listen to violent music or don’t watch violent movies or don’t read violent books or anything like that. Is that really the problem? I think they really blame movies and music because they don’t know what to blame. I have seen movies with violence, but I would never go and kill someone because I got mad at them. You have to look closer than that. It might be the teenager or child or adult have problems at home. They could have been treated violently and cannot overcome the problem themselves and so it spreads. When people are violent you can’t judge them because maybe their parents did the same thing so they have to let it out. It can’t be trapped forever.
There is always a choice, a choice to stand up for what you think is right. A lot of violence is from gangs to impress your friends. But let me tell you something if they are a true and great friend would they ever want to put you in danger or in violence. Think about that, are they just using me or is this a true friendship. Violence is like a contagious disease because someone gets hurt and then it keeps on spreading. We need to stop the disease. When it is spread to you stop it. Stop the disease so the rest of the people don’t get it. They don’t deserve the hurt. All of us need to stop youth violence or any kind of violence because people that have to see and feel the violence never deserve it in the first place. Let us stand as one nation and stop youth violence. Let us make a choice to choose no violence. A choice for peace. A choice for friendship. A choice to stand.

Sydney Medsker

Well i hope you liked it! One night I was just thinking about because I had to write a paper and this is how is came out. Well I love you all! Thank you for reading my blog!